Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I just received an email from Pathmark... (you won't like it)

I just checked my email and had a message from the Social Media Manager at Pathmark. Here's what it said:

Blogger Communiqué!
We are writing to inform you that we will not be repeating the Double or Triple Coupon sales events again during the month of May.  We are very grateful for your help in popularizing these events.  And we are touched by the many customers who have written to thank us for helping to stretch their family budgets during these difficult times.
We are planning several exciting new sales events in the coming weeks which will help our customers stretch their dollars further.  We will announce all of our major sales and events on our Facebook pages so please follow us there to keep up with the most current information.  

My bubble has officially been popped!!! :(

I have heard that next week will have something to do with Catalina coupons (the ones that print out at the register), but I don't have any confirmation on that. I'll let you know as soon as I have some proof regarding next weeks deals at Pathmark & Waldbaums.

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