Here is a (very short) list of the local stores that double coupons on a regular basis. If you know of another store, please leave a comment below (or on the FB wall). I'd like to keep an updated list on the right side of the blog, and I'd love if some readers in other boroughs would leave feedback about how their local stores handle doubling.
Stop & Shop
All Stop & Shop double coupons up to and including .99¢.
Brooklyn- Brooklyn stores do not regularly double coupons. Occasionally they'll have a special double coupon weekend.
Queens- Queens stores do not regularly double coupons. Occasionally they'll have a special double coupon weekend.
Staten Island- Pathmark stores in SI double coupons up to an including .99¢.
Waldbaums (everywhere EXCEPT Brooklyn) double coupons up to and including .99¢.
Key Foods
Key Food stores do not have a "set" coupon policy. Each store has different rules about doubling and accepting internet printed coupons.
Thank you for reposting this! I have had to figure this out on my own researching, but I would love to see you continue to update this as you have gotten readers. Also, of course, Foodtown doesn't double at all nor take Catalina coupons, I believe. But every Foodtown is different from my understanding. Love your blog and have been following for the past couple of weeks in my new couponing journey! Enjoying the time saving money and reading. =)