Today is the first of the month, and that means NEW coupons online. I just checked out and they've got a few that are not only rare, but will make for some great deals when paired with a sale- especially if your store doubles. Here are a few of them.
I can't remember the last time I had a coupon for Goldfish, and this .75¢/1 Kraft Singles will double to $1.50 at my grocery store. I regularly see cheese on sale for $2, so .50¢/package is pretty hard to beat! Also, the mustard coupon doesn't have a size restriction, so doubled, it should make the smallest size free. Are you ready to start printing?
Get a sample of Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® with a Touch of Fruit at and Taste Drive a breakfast model that’s fully loaded with flavor efficiency!
For the Vocalpoint Team
Thanks, Nina. I posted that deal a couple of weeks ago. :)